Enqueue App Reviews

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Excellent !

Previous evaluations are not so good but perhaps I have a more recent version. My equipment: headphones Sennheiser HD800, cable XLR Sennheiser CH 800 S, DAC Sennheiser HDVD 800, Audioquest NG4, JitterBug, …, Bis electric plug… Music HD (HD Tracks, ProStudioMasters): AIFF, Flac, ALAC, 24->32 bits, 88->192 Hertz. My ears: 10 to 16,000 Hertz (you can them for example with Audiophile Hi-Res System Test - Great Sampling Tracks Included from HD Tracks). The sound is clear (no issues in every frequency cf.previous eval.), excellent harmonics, « presence » excellent (you feel like you’re just there…). Enqueue is equal even better than iTunes with Bit-perfect plugin. I didn’t test others like Perfect. Enjoy music!

Slow, buggy

+ Doesnt use the iTunes library… It scans the whole folder when iTunes has already done the job.

Great iTunes alternative for just playing music

If you’re dissatisfied with iTunes and you’d still like to have a database-powered music player, Enqueue might be great for you. It has a carefully designed user interface (with a few peculiarities that you get used to, but nothing stranger than any other music player out there), plays most formats including those that iTunes does not manage well or at all, and gives you all the search and display tools you need to get to your music quick. Oh, and queuing is especially well done (in my opinion).

A music player which exels by doing less

I really cant stand how iTunes gets worse and worse every version. For me it is barely usable so I was looking for proper alternatives. From the ones I tested (Vox, Ecoute) Enqueue is actually the best. Almost like the old iTunes, before Books, Movies, Device Syncing and Apps were added. Ive been using it exclusivly for the past weeks and Im not missing anything. Its still in an early stage but so far it goes in the right direction.

Needs Yosemite Update

Basically it works. But on Yosemite the title bar is screwed up.

Great software

Ive been using the beta for the past few months, and this software beats the pants off iTunes. Great if you simply want an application that will play your music collection and thats it. It does its one job well, and is not bloated like iTunes. Great buy.


This app is fantastic, not only does it support FLAC, which iTunes doesnt, but it manages your library quickly and efficiently. Great buy and well worth the $10.

The app I was looking for !!

Excellent app for playing FLAC music files with the ability to import your ITunes library , this app is well laid out , easy navigation ..I highly recomend this app for those who have FLAC music library at a reasonable price …

Crashed as ive tried to import a folder with 20 mp3s and a few flacs!

Nice… simply doesnt work on 2010 iMac.

Audio quality issue

Enqueue is definitely not bit-perfect: I A/Bed with Fidelia, which is bit perfect, and Enqueue had some sonic issues. There was strange blurring on transient sound like the pick of an acoustic guitar, details seemed blurred behind the rest of the music, low signal detail was also grainy and unrealistic - compared with Fidelia which does not exhibit these problem. I was using a trail of Fidelia. I purchased Enqueue because I emailed the developer and he said it was bit perfect. Once I emailed him about what I heard he acknowledged there may be a coding issue and sent me a beta which sounded way better. however the beta expired. so I was without a player for a few days. I emailed the Enqueue dev about getting an update and heard nothing back. so in the end I had to shell out another $20 for Fidelia. I would stay away from Enqueue despite the better user interface, if your desire is for bit perfect audio and the best sound you can get. Fidelia is the next best option. Or wait (hope, pray, give up?) on the Enqueue dev addressing these issues. I am highly disappointed.

Crashes on 1st gen Macbook Pro w/ Retina

Successfully brought over my library from iTunes and a few FLAC albums I had on my computer, but now crashes right after launching. Developer has not responded to concerns via e-mail. Disappointed.

It does not work

I purchased this application and it was a waste of money and time. It does not work, it crashed all the time and I mean it ALL THE TIME. I can not even listen to a single song because before I click to play it is already down. I sent an e-mail asking for some support and I didn’t hear a word until now. I would just unisntall if was a cheaper app but I paid a good amount it. Now it is just taking space from my hard drive. VERY DISAPOINTED. I do not recommend this to anyone.

Best iTunes contender on OS X ?

Compatible with any file format, clear/nice interface, very easy to tag your music tracks, possibility to import from iTunes or to just monitor certain folders on your harddrive, low CPU/memory usage --> perfect piece of software and a strong contender for iTunes.


1) doesnt work with itunes 11 2) hasnt been updated in over a year waste of money

Godd app but does not work with itunes 11

Please, fix the problem!

Mixed Feelings

Maybe i was just dumb buying blindly, but i was expecting from a player named "Enqueue"that i could just use it as a default player for my mp3 files and that they would be enqueued in the fancy "playing now" thing.. but i was disappointed in finding that using the app to open a music file just loads it into the library, so it almost get lost and you have to manually go and find it (which is not really easy if you aim to use it with your whole library). I think it just need some work in this department and could be a very good player, but until then i feel i didnt make a good buy.

Beautiful Yet Functional Interface

Very clean and beautiful interface. Has all the functionality of iTunes plus more. I especially love the built-in keyboard shortcuts and last.fm integration. Only thing Im waiting on until I completely get rid of iTunes is support for smart playlists. Great App!

What Ive been waiting for.

Ive been waiting for this app for a long time: Lightweight, seperate library from itunes, plays FLACs, scrobbles. This is essentially Foobar2000 for OSX. Its perfect. Ive been using Songbird for my FLAC collection for years, with much distain. Finally, I can uninstall it ;)

Great music player

Looks a lot nicer than itunes in my opinion, and has a bunch of great features!

Great music program!

This program is by far the best option for any dedicated music listerner. It works very fast, even with a large music library. The biggest feature for me is that it plays flac files. Playlists are very basic, but I imagine features should appear in the future with program updates. The program controls do take a little getting used to, considering most everyone is used to iTunes and other music programs. That said, there are not many other things that need to be changed with this program. This program essentially gets back to the basics, and that is listening to music without distractions or unnecessary features, which is what iTunes was initially intended for in the first place.

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