Enqueue App Reviews

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Out-dated UI... waiting on update

I used to love this but the UI has become quite dated and the mini player looks very out of place in mavericks. Check out vox if you care about these things…

Itunes nightmare….

So I bought this to play my FLAC files on my mac which is was doing with great aplomb (and for which I’d have given 5 stars) Then I thought I’d check out the import Itunes library feature………thinking I could just switch it off after I’d checked it out. Oh no. Not only is everything listed now from Itunes match (which it won’tplay) but I can’t turn the inport faeture off. I’ve delted the programme, reinstalled, gone for an earlier version in Time Machine……..nothing works. How do iI UN-link it from iTunes????

For me, Enqueue has been a complete failure

I really really wanted this app to work for me. My music collection includes 11,000 music files (all legal!) in .WAV, .AIFF, .AAC (without DRM), and some .MP3’s (even though I hate .MP3, sometimes thats what gets delivered, say, from Amazon Digital. Enqueue had the promise of drag and drop playlists and blistering speed. But unfortunately, I think I’ve been able to play less than 3 music files with it for some reason. It would not scan my library. Maybe it gets hung up on artwork or text files in my archive? or PDFs? It should be smart enough to ignore files that are not music files, but it doesn’t appear to be. There has never been a help file, nor a blog, nor a community that I could find to support this. I am deeply disappointed and would love it if the developer created some support around this…I would even be willing to contribute to the project. I have tried Enqueue on 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 all on the same hardware…no love. Not sure what else to do.

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